

What is TEDxSilkRoad?

TEDXSILKROAD is a one day inspirational conference event that will take place in Istanbul, Turkey, a magnificent and bustling city and a unique bridge between the East and the West.

TEDxSILKROAD is a journey into the future of innovation, borderless creativity, commerce and the role of mobile and internet technologies in empowering communities. Our world and social interactions are being shaped and fueled by the advances in digital technologies combined with the power of art, design and storytelling.

Why Silk Road?

The old Silk Road was a Route of Innovation and Commerce between the East and the West, with long journeys, personal hardships, a lot of risk taking and lots of cultural exchange along the way. It was also an exchange of beliefs, religions, cultures and traditions that were passed on through the power of music, food, and story telling.

The new Silk Road is digital and it goes beyond national borders. It is the mobile internet in your pocket, it is the fiber optic network that connects millions and it goes beyond national and cultural borders, it is the booming e- and m- commerce.

On the Digital Silk Road, Global Communities can form around a social network beyond any national borders, Education can reach millions inside small tablet computers, and creative collaboration can occur with thousands and millions online without ever meeting in person.

This is the right time in history, for the East and the West to have a new dialogue and new innovation through the power of new story telling and design.

The new Silk Road is a new Journey, a new economy with collaborative creation and consumption.

If you had no borders (mental, financial or physical), how far could you go? What will you bring to this Caravan of ideas?

Join TedxSilkRoad and find out!

This is a day of inspiration and conversation about the new rules of global commerce, social innovation, future gazing and new ways to tell stories.

Bring your own ideas, knowledge and talent, and share your own personal silk road journey with the group.

Borderless Creativity & Commerce on the Digital Silk Road is for you!

See you on April 11, at TEDxSilkRoad